Sunday, October 26, 2008

friday night + more

so friday night @ youth we had a picture scavenger hunt.
we had to drive around transcona and take pictures of certain things.
it was a really fun night.
so here are some of my pictures.
this one was two team members being pushed in a blue shopping cart.
a team member with a dog toy in their mouth ,
no one would do it so i took one for the team !

jumping infront of the family washroom
@ kildonan place.

hugging a red haired clown .
their was alot more but it takes so long to upload them
so im not gonna.
but ..
this is to my auntie
i was doing the dishes tonight after supper ,
standing around thinking how much funner doing the dishes would be
if you were there .
i miss you lots !
and cannot wait for summer 09'
because i've decided im not going to L.A w/ dance
im going to head over the mountains to smithers !
ahh , i love you auntie darlene!

1 comment:

Journeying Five said...

yay...i was so hoping that would come true again...the girls will be thrilled! love the pictures, you make a really cute puppy (and a good sport too)